True North
JoinedTopics Started by True North
When did early church "fathers" first unequivocally write of Trinity?
by True North inanyone know when the early church "fathers" first unequivocally wrote of the trinity?
how about when they first unequivocally wrote of the unitarian/arian viewpoint?
and when did one view versus the other first become an issue?
Is the Holy Ghost (aka Holy Spirit) the Rodney Dangerfield of the Trinity?
by True North inrodney dangerfield, the comedian, is famous for his schtick that begins with the words "i get no respect" followed by a self-deprecating joke that makes his point.
it seems to me that in relation to the trinity, the holy ghost (aka holy spirit) might make the same complaint.
i ended up thinking about this the other day as i was recollecting a movie that came out in the early seventies called greaser's palace.
Do any of you now believe in the hellfire hell of eternal physical torment?
by True North ini know that many ex-jws have joined various christian denominations or have become non-denominational christians.
do any of you now believe in the hellfire hell of eternal physical torment?
if not, do you now have some other view of hell that differs from the jw view of it?
In official JW think, is there anyone worse than an apostate?
by True North inin official jw think, is there anyone worse than an apostate?
jws are supposed to believe that apostates are worse than serial killers, or child molesters, or even hitler, right?
it's been a while for me so i may not remember this exactly right or what i remember may now be "old light" so i'd appreciate it if anyone could provide an update on the latest jw position on this.
xJWs: Anyone ever read this poem? Any thoughts? Any personal applications?
by True North inanyone ever read this poem:
[warning to those who may be offended: the poem contains the "f" word (although it's not used in a sexual sense).
] does anyone have any thoughts on it or any personal applications, particularly if you were raised as a jw?
Is Ehrman's "The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture" worth reading?
by True North inmost of my "knowledge" of the history and sources of the bible was acquired from watchtower publications.
although i left the jw org.
some twenty years ago, i never felt compelled to consider the subject much further.
If JWs are still around in a hundred years, what will they be preaching?
by True North inif the jw org makes it another hundred years, what will they be preaching then?
how will their chronology and doctrines have changed?
if there are colonies on the moon or other moons, or mars, or out among the asteroids, will they still be reporting time in the house-to-house (pod-to-pod?
If the JW leadership is all about the money, what do they want it for?
by True North inin the brief time that i've been reading jw-related postings and sites on the net, i've seen a lot of stuff regarding the jw leadership being all about the money with the implication that there is something unsavory about their acquisitiveness.. if that is true, what exactly do they want it for?
from what i've read, the gb seem to live reasonably well (better, in fact, than the average jw would expect, i think) but it hardly seems anything that would have earned them a spot on lifestyles of the rich and famous.
so, why would they be so concerned about amassing organizational wealth?
When good elders do bad things...
by True North inrecently i had occasion to speak with an elder i hadn't seen in a while.
(although i've been out for twenty years now, my wife and some of my children are still locked within the org's tender embrace, which led to my happening to encounter him and our resultant conversation.
) he's someone i consider a really good guy at heart, truly caring and sincerely working at being a good shepherd as he sees it.
A lurker no more! I have a question about exit counseling for ex-JWs
by True North ini've been lurking on this board for a couple of months now, taking it all in.
i've really appreciated and enjoyed reading your postings and it's all been very helpful.
i have now a question i'd like to ask.